McCain Valley Single Track Dirt Bike Mission

    We have been having a lot of rain recently in San Diego. So I decided to go catch some more HERO Dirt at McCain Valley OHV and do some tripod filming of some of my favorite rock features.  Many of these features, ideas, video and pictures form the base line for the ideas and images I use to create new dirt bike tshirt and other clothing designs.

    The moist post rain dirt in McCain was awesome and i basically had the place to myself since i was playing hookie on a friday!   Reason # 2098 for working for myself and building a nice team to help me with my day to day logistic business operations at Easy Logistics Management.  We hope you like these pictures and information about the places we love to ride single track and adventure trails on our KTM dirt enduro dirt bikes.

    If you are ever in san diego and want to ride or collaborate on a fun adventure t-shirt design hit me up.  We are always looking for more fun adventurous friends who like to be outside , get dirty , and have fun on the Moto!


Your in Stoke Building 

Jeremy Curran

Dirt Biking over a big rock feature in McCain Valley

Dirt Bike Riding McCain Valley

Dirt Bike T-Shirt Design Inspiration

Dirt Bike Rock Climbing.  Braaap!


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